Under Construction
This site is currently under construction. The original contents are being reformatted to fit the new layout, with articles added to explain what has transpired regarding a federal court challenge to religious intolerance in Illinois. Other states are being added, along with select commentaries, documents and articles that will render a better understanding of what lies ahead and what one can do to restrain a rampant secularization of our nation.
Road Blocks and Speed Bumps
Why challenge the State when it tramples on long standing freedoms and nurtures a reversal of what marks this nation for greatness and prosperity? Why champion any good cause, whether it be exempting Amish photographs from licenses, having Bibles in school libraries, or RFID branding to track individuals? Why bother?
If one ever needed a cause to champion, the time is now and the field is ripe for harvest. Because so few actually stand up to tyranny, intolerance and governmental abuse, our society is quietly losing liberty - a small issue here, something more obscure there. There is little time left to argue about minor differences in our doctrines and personal preferences.
Why Religious Tolerance?
"The Fathers of the Constitution were not unaware of the varied and extreme views of religious sects, of the violence of disagreement among them, and of the lack of any one religious creed on which all men would agree. They fashioned a charter of government which envisaged the widest possible toleration of conflicting views ... The religious views espoused by respondents might seem incredible, if not preposterous, to most people. But if those doctrines are subject to trial before a jury charged with finding their truth or falsity, then the same can be done with the religious beliefs of any sect. When the triers of fact undertake that task, they enter a forbidden domain." 1
Advocate Checklist
Completing the items in this lists will likely throw down some speed bumps along the highway to religious intolerance. You will be surprised to see how your cause can gather momentum.
Should you be the subject of religious discrimination, find someone trustworthy and determined to champion your cause, because you may not see the forest for the trees.
Sanctions? What Sanctions?
A young man whose religious exemption application was denied made his scheduled appearance before a review officer at one of the Secretary of State facilities in his home state. His attorney began the hearing by reading the scriptural basis for the young man's religious convictions: